This mama and her little ones were found in a broken window well on a farm. They were just born when we got them and they are now all safe in foster care. How cute are they???
Meet Cali! This stunning mama has had multiple litters and this will be her last. She is such a lovely girl and went into labor 24 hrs after she came into the rescue. She finally has a safe and warm place to sleep at night
This sweet mama and baby were living in a recycling plant in burlington and are now safe with us! They will begin to realize how much better their lives will be. We can't wait to spoil them! Thank you to Jodi and Jennifer for helping out with them.
This beautiful family were rescued from a farm in Coldwater and were brought into foster care. One of the kittens, little Tamara had a terrible eye issue and needed to have her eye removed. She was experiencing a lot of pain so we did the surgery as soon as possible. We were able to raise over $5,000 for this family to get the care they all needed. Little Tamara is recovering well and will be starting her adoption journey soon.
Meet King Oliver. This poor 10 year old Siamese boy was abandoned by his owners and left outside their home when they moved out, The tenant saw him waiting by the door and reached out for help, We are so glad that we could save this sweet soul. He must of been so confused He is now safe with us and will be up for adoption soon! If you're looking for a lovely senior boy, King Oliver may be your guy
These 3 beautiful girls were rescued from a hoarders home. There were many other cats, but luckily other rescues were able to help. They may be pregnant an all have bad eye infections. Were so happy we had the opportunity to save them.
Meet little Silk. This precious girl has a severe congenital disorder called Pectus Excavatum. Her chest is not formed and closed properly and you can feel her heart in the chest because the rib cage is not formed properly around the chest. She is now safe in foster care and will require careful monitoring. |
There really are angels on earth! As many of you know, one of our All Paws kitties Gatsby got out of his house yesterday and ran up a tree, a really tall tree! Despite the efforts of his family to get him down to safety, he just kept climbing higher... almost 50 feet up!
Firefighters don't help with kitties stuck in trees anymore so our community reached out to some local arborists and Green Canopy Tree Services stepped up to help (at no charge). Irina (a certified arborist) was able to get Gatsby out of the tree and back home safely. Thank you Irina & Green Canopy Tree Services! |
We rescued this little love from a hoarders house where we saved over 10 cats from already. She was attacked by a cat in their home and was rushed to emergency. Little nuggest is a fighter and has grown so much since we got her. She may loose her little arm but we are hoping to save it.
We are desperately in need of monetary donations and donations of liquid KMR (kitten milk) please find it in your hearts to send even $20 to help with her vet bills. You can send a donation to [email protected], mail a cheque, drop off a cash donation or call the vet directly and make a donation over the phone on Monday 9054954228. We want to continue saving sweet souls like little nugget but are running low in our accounts so every bit helps. |
Poor spark came to us this morning and was purchased from kijiji for 250$ he became super sick after a couple of days and the owners could not bring him to the vet. This poor little monkey has calicivirus and has ulcers all over his mouth and tounge. He needs to be on IV and admitted to the hospital. He will need bloodwork and a snap test done and medication. Thank you so much to Dana Kay for sending the family our contact to Mike Smith for picking up the kitty to Christine Stephanie Rolston for fostering when he is out of the hospital and to the cat hospital for fitting him in today on such short notice!
This sweet mama was found in a barrel in someones yard with her 5 little kittens. She was so scared and we don't know if someone put her in there or she went there to give birth. She is one lucky kitty and is safe now in foster care. She is such a great mama and is protective of her little ones. The kittens are all safe with her in foster care now and we cannot wait to watch them all grow! |
We received a call about this beauty living in a steel yard for a couple years. The men there were feeding her and noticed she was limping pretty bad. When we brought her to the vet, they found a large mass under her arm that was causing her a great amt of pain. Unfortunately, the vet thinks it is cancer but we are running tests to find out more. Hopefully we can help this girl and give her the happy ending she deserves.
Poor little tumbleweed was found stuck in a burr tree. She was literally not able to move and someone heard her painful meows and screams. She is so tiny and malnourished and wouldn't have the strength to get out even if she tried. She was weak and afraid...she had no idea what was going on and you could see the fear in her eyes. A lovely person contacted us yesterday and begged us to help. Although we are at full capacity we couldn't so no as we knew she was an immense amt of pain. Little tumbleweed was safely taken out of the bush and looked like a tree herself when she came out. So many burrs were stuck to her fur she took have the tree with her when removed she quickly ran under the bed and was so scared. With some advice and patience he was able to get her safely in a homemade carrier. He rushed her to the vet in Mississauga and was so happy to get her help. Little tumbleweed has lesions all over her body and was crying with pain. Luckily the vets could shave parts of her down and remove the burrs safely. She stayed there overnight and is feeling much better. She is so tiny and her little body went through so much. She will be off to a foster home today and her foster mama will help her gain some weight, confidence and lead her to her adoption journey. She is one lucky kitty and we are so grateful that the person that found her was so willing to help as well.
Rosa and Bella are best friends. They even had babies at the same time and helped each other nurse and care for their little ones. They were found outdoors together with 8 kittens! We had to really make some arrangements to accommodate this large family but thankfully our wonderful fosters stepped up to help. The mama's will be adopted together as they are quite bonded and will be ready soon! The kittens are also doing well except for Tangy (an orange kitten) that has an enlarged heart and is hospitalized. We are hoping he pulls through soon so he can be reunited with his family. |
This stunning mama and her two little ones were found in a rose bush in someone's backyard. Our amazing trapping team went to get them and mama went right in the carrier! She was starving and soooo happy to be rescued. She is settling in foster with her babies and will live a great life from now on! Her babies are under 2 weeks old and do not even have their little eyes open yet. |
Well this was quite the rescue mission!!! 2 mamas and 8 kittens rescued off a farm 2 hrs away and there are still more cats there that need to be rescued. We are so glad we had the space to accommodate all of these babies and hopefully we can save more!
Meet Chico. This poor guy was surrendered to us and we have no idea what happened to him. His mom is sick in the hospital and is not coming out so a family member was asked to find a placement for him. We were full and had no space but when we saw the condition he was in we needed to move things around to accommodate him. We are running a bunch of tests and Chico is hospitalized. Lets hope he is okay and pulls through.
UPDATE: Chico is doing amazing in foster care and his face is almost healed. He is such a loving boy and was so happy to be saved. He is feeling much better now and will be up for adoption soon!
Meet Barney. This Beautiful soul was found injured and bleeding badly at the side of the road. Luckily a kind heart stopped for him and rushed him to an emergency clinic nearby. Barney was in extreme pain. He had lacerations all over his face, his skin was peeling off, he has a broken pelvis, fractured teeth, pulmonary contusions and possibly a broken jaw:( I can't can't imagine the agony he went through in these moments. We suspect he was hit by a car and he will be coming to us today and will need to be hospitalized for min 2 months. Barney will require A LOT of care. Dental surgery, surgery to repair the Fracture in his pelvis and hospitalization on meds and fluids for a long time. |
UPDATE: Barney has made full recovery and has been adopted! We are so happy for him :)
Beautiful Milton was found outside a fire station in Milton late one night and was bleeding in a lot of pain. The fire station reaching out to us and we found a volunteer to rush her to our emergency vet. Poor girl was most likely hit by a car as she has a severe pelvic fracture. It is fractured and 3 places and she will need extensive surgery to repair this. Her surgery will be approx $6,000 and will be done at OVC in Guelph. She will have a long recovery ahead of her but we are hopeful she will pull through and do just fine! She is very frie6ndly and is so happy to be alive. She will have her surgery very soon and will be on her way to recovery.
Beautiful Iris came to us from a shelter 3 hrs away. She is only 6 months old and was rescued from a farm. Her eye was in rough shape when we got her and she will need to have surgery and will most likely lose her eye. She is a happy, sweet kitty and we cannot wait to give her the care she needs so she can find a loving home. |
This poor guy has been feeding in a colony for over a year and was in rough shape. Another rescue was able to trap him and he was brought to us and is in foster care. He is a stunning, sweet boy that sure is happy to be saved.
We are so sad when we receive calls about cats in rough shape living outdoors. The pain and suffering they endure is unimaginable and it hurts out hearts. The fight with other animals, search for food and shelter, and are always on guard to protect themselves. We are so happy to save beautiful souls like Zac. He will live a great life now and will get the medical treatment he needs. |
Look at what a little love, patience and compassion can do to an animal. This sweet little love was starving, cold, filthy, wet and afraid when we first rescued her from the outdoors. Now she is living the greatest life, where she is loved and snuggled. These are the best stories....look below at her transformation! |
Beautiful Zoro was rescued from a colony outdoors in Hamilton after he was a trap and release from another rescue. Someone reached out to us for help as they felt he had potential to socialize and get adopted. We decided to give him a second chance to work with him and it has been going great so far! He is a little shy but not aggressive at all. He sure is a sweet boy and we cannot wait for him to come around and fully trust.
Our first mama of the year trapped just in time!!!! This stunning girl was feeding in someone's yard and gave birth just a few days after going into foster care. He little black panthers are all safe and warm and she did great during her delivery. Mama is being really good with her little ones and we cannot wait to watch them grow!
Meet Fayth! This little girl was born in foster care and had a tough start to life. She was not able to eat on her own and needed to be tune fed. Fayth has been with us for quite some time and has been in the care of our vets her entire life. She needs to have an extensive cleft palate surgery that will cost us over 5,000 but we are so happy we can help her. She is a little fighter and we know she will make a full recovery and live a wonderful life after the surgery.
These four little babies were found in a fire pit in someone's yard. The mom was coming around but then didn't come for 24 hrs. We were scared something happened to her so decided to take the babies and feed. We are looking out for the mommy and were hoping she comes back so we can reunite her with her babies. They are all being bottle fed and are nice and warm now |
We received a message about an injured kitten that was left on the colony feeders door step by his kitten mama. Mama kitty trusts this person to feed and care for her and her babies, so she knew that leaving the kitten there would be the best for him. I cried when I heard this and was reminded of how incredible these little creatures are. We rushed the kitty to North town emergency hospital and the staff there were truly amazing and helpful and we are thankful that they could help. Little Andre (named after his feeder) was in rough shape. Was bleeding from mouth and rectum, wouldn't open his eyes, was dehydrated and almost crashing. He needed to have oxygen overnight and be placed on an IV. His little body at only three weeks old was shutting down and we were so scared to lose him. The vet noticed a huge laceration in the back of his mouth where the blood was coming from. It's hard to tell where this came from but anything can happen outdoors. The x-ray showed no sign of trauma but he certainly is not out of the woods yet. He is in a little incubator keeping warm but he still won't open his little eyes.
These two beautiful babies were posted for $400 on Kijiji. They were stuffed in cage when our fosters went to get them and they were walking in their on poop :( they had no food or fresh water and the sun was blazing on them. They were so happy to be safe in foster care and given yummy food to eat. They are best friends and are up for adoption together. They are doing great and are such lovely kitties! So happy we were able to save them. |
Meet Kindle
This sweet little kitten was found outdoors all alone and needed medical attention as soon as possible. The lady that found him was planning on keeping him but she noticed he wasn't well and couldn't continue his vet care so she reached out to us for help. Kindle went into foster care and as a couple days past and a vet check he became very ill. He had a severe pneumonia and needed to be hospitalized. We were all so saddened by this but we knew he was in good hands. He needed to be given a lot of attention as he was in critical condition. The vet suggested that he gets referred to a specialist in Guelph. Together, we made the arrangements for him and his foster parents drove him down to Guelph the next morning. Sandy Silva, our wonderful Board member was receiving updates multiple times daily and we were making decisions on a care plan for Kindle, fundraising for Kindle and sending our love and prayers his way. You can only imagine you how expensive this process to help is. Vet bills, specialist consult, hospitalization on IV fluids, Ultrasounds, X-RAY, blood work, scopes....and the list goes on! Despite all of this, the most important thing is that we do our very best to help in any way possible. We are so proud of the the team as we raised thousands of dollars for Kindle and received so much support. Thank you!
Kindle had a tough time, had a lot of testing done which is hard on a tiny baby. t turns out that Kindle had a rare congenital issue with his esophagus that could not be operated on, He would require daily tube feeding for the rest of his life as well and it was so much on his little body. He continued to decrease and and moved downhill quickly. The doctor spoke to us about our options regarding his quality of life and we were faced with some very tough decisions. We also spoke to his wonderful foster parents and although a hard moment, we all wanted whats best for little Kindle. To stop his pain, to let him feel what love feels like, to have people that care, to have a chance. We all gave him that chance...together. Little Kindle left us and is resting now
Rest Peacefully Little Love....
This sweet little kitten was found outdoors all alone and needed medical attention as soon as possible. The lady that found him was planning on keeping him but she noticed he wasn't well and couldn't continue his vet care so she reached out to us for help. Kindle went into foster care and as a couple days past and a vet check he became very ill. He had a severe pneumonia and needed to be hospitalized. We were all so saddened by this but we knew he was in good hands. He needed to be given a lot of attention as he was in critical condition. The vet suggested that he gets referred to a specialist in Guelph. Together, we made the arrangements for him and his foster parents drove him down to Guelph the next morning. Sandy Silva, our wonderful Board member was receiving updates multiple times daily and we were making decisions on a care plan for Kindle, fundraising for Kindle and sending our love and prayers his way. You can only imagine you how expensive this process to help is. Vet bills, specialist consult, hospitalization on IV fluids, Ultrasounds, X-RAY, blood work, scopes....and the list goes on! Despite all of this, the most important thing is that we do our very best to help in any way possible. We are so proud of the the team as we raised thousands of dollars for Kindle and received so much support. Thank you!
Kindle had a tough time, had a lot of testing done which is hard on a tiny baby. t turns out that Kindle had a rare congenital issue with his esophagus that could not be operated on, He would require daily tube feeding for the rest of his life as well and it was so much on his little body. He continued to decrease and and moved downhill quickly. The doctor spoke to us about our options regarding his quality of life and we were faced with some very tough decisions. We also spoke to his wonderful foster parents and although a hard moment, we all wanted whats best for little Kindle. To stop his pain, to let him feel what love feels like, to have people that care, to have a chance. We all gave him that chance...together. Little Kindle left us and is resting now
Rest Peacefully Little Love....
Meet Peter. This handsome guy was found at the side of the road at 5 am in Peterborough. A lovely lady noticed him and stopped to help him. She reached out to us for help and we arranged transportation for him to come down. We are hoping Peter is okay, but the most important thing is he is safe with All Paws now.
Poor Marvin was found outdoors and was meowing in pain at someones door. Luckily, they reached out to us for help and we were so worried that he had a large mass on him. When he was vetted, they saw that it was just a large mat...the largest they have ever seen. He was matted all over his body and was in so much pain. We had him shaved and he is much happier now! |
We received a call about 14 cats and kittens living in a home that needed to be rescued. Unfortunately the owner was being evicted and he had nowhere for the cats to go. Luckily someone recommended All Paws and in less then 5 hours we had someone pick up all the kitties and bring them into the rescue. They are all s friendly and we are so happy that we could help. |
This poor boy was living in an abandoned home in Milton and was meowing in pain to a neighbor that walked by. She quickly reached out to us and our amazing trapping team went out to get him. We didn't realize how bad he was until he arrived at the vet. His belly and bum were covered in blood and the vet believes that an animal ripped off his testicle and damaged it so badly that his intestines were coming out :( He needed emergency surgery to repair this and also had trauma to his little tail. The vet said that he if he was out for another day he would of bled out and died. We are so thankful we saved him just in time!
Meet Beautiful Maximus. This stunning boy had a tough life and was outdoors for 3 or more years. He was finally trapped in Kingston and has been brought to safety. This poor guy is FIV positive and will need surgery as he has a mass deep in his ear that will need to be removed. He will also need dental surgery too :( A big thank you to Heather Patterson for keeping this boy and for doing such a great job with him. We are so happy to take this boy in. Maximus has also found a foster with us which is wonderful! |
Sweet techno has been in foster care for quite a while. He was rescued from the outdoors with his siblings and he had an injury to his paw. The vets are certain he was attacked by an animal after his vet visit. It was like an animal was chewing his law and he got away. Our vets tried to save his paw but there was nerve damage and it was causing him an extreme amount of pain. Unfortunately little techno couldnt heal and he was constantly chewing at his paw too. The vet felt We needed to amputate his arm today poor little love. He is a happy healthy kitty though and his surgery went well
This beautiful family was rescued from the outdoors today. Great job to Didi Diane Marie KIrouac and Ed for spending the day getting them. The poor mama has such a bad ear infection and a big scratch on her head.
Soul Sisters....
Lollipop and Brichelle.... Two beautiful babes that came to us from three hours away and were both pregnant, living in terrible conditions with another 40 kitties. We were so excited to get them settled in foster care so they can safely deliver their babies but Unfortunately their tough moments weren't over yet. They both gave birth to two deceased babies within 24 hours of each other the same night they went into foster care. They both were in separate foster homes and We didn't realize that these two lovely girls were bonded and truly are soul sisters or we would of never separated them. When they lost their babies they were sad, confused and felt hopeless and to make things worse they didn't have each other. Now that we know they are bonded we reunited them a day after they gave birth and it was the most beautiful thing for their foster mama ever experienced Margaret Reilly. A love that cannot be broken, a bond so strong that they experienced the same things at the same time and a friendship that will last forever. They immediately cuddled and bonked heads when they saw each other and were so happy to see each other especially after such a tragic night. Brichelle is Lollipops protector and really has been caring for her so well since they have been reunited. She hugs her tight, kisses her and tucks her into bed.Lollipop is so happy to have her best friend back and they have been doing great in foster care. We will ensure they will find a home together and will always have one another to lean on. The animals we rescue have truly been through so much, it is hard to not feel at fault at times but at the end of the day we do our best. Although these sweeties lost their babies....they haven't lost each other. Thank you to everyone involved in their rescue, to their foster mamas and to Paws Up Rescue for donating $500 towards their care.
Lollipop and Brichelle.... Two beautiful babes that came to us from three hours away and were both pregnant, living in terrible conditions with another 40 kitties. We were so excited to get them settled in foster care so they can safely deliver their babies but Unfortunately their tough moments weren't over yet. They both gave birth to two deceased babies within 24 hours of each other the same night they went into foster care. They both were in separate foster homes and We didn't realize that these two lovely girls were bonded and truly are soul sisters or we would of never separated them. When they lost their babies they were sad, confused and felt hopeless and to make things worse they didn't have each other. Now that we know they are bonded we reunited them a day after they gave birth and it was the most beautiful thing for their foster mama ever experienced Margaret Reilly. A love that cannot be broken, a bond so strong that they experienced the same things at the same time and a friendship that will last forever. They immediately cuddled and bonked heads when they saw each other and were so happy to see each other especially after such a tragic night. Brichelle is Lollipops protector and really has been caring for her so well since they have been reunited. She hugs her tight, kisses her and tucks her into bed.Lollipop is so happy to have her best friend back and they have been doing great in foster care. We will ensure they will find a home together and will always have one another to lean on. The animals we rescue have truly been through so much, it is hard to not feel at fault at times but at the end of the day we do our best. Although these sweeties lost their babies....they haven't lost each other. Thank you to everyone involved in their rescue, to their foster mamas and to Paws Up Rescue for donating $500 towards their care.
Meet Tostito
This little girl was found in the middle of someones lawn yesterday afternoon and we quickly responded when we found out. She was on deaths row when Didi Diane Marie KIrouac and Ed got her and they literally arrived just in time, Margaret Reilly picked her up from Didi and drove her to the vet. Margaret was terrified when she saw little Tostito crashing on the way to vet. Her body was floppy when she went to the vet, her eyes were shut closed from infection and she couldnt see, she was loaded with fleas, has an upper resp infection, is so malnourished she is the weight of a 4 week old when she is 7 weeks and the vet believes she may have lost her mama as she hasnt eaten in days. Little Tostito is fighting for her life and we would love for you to send prayers her way. |
Mr Cat was found on someones driveway where he stayed for over 24 hrs without moving. The lady that found him, reached out to us as Mr Cat did not look so well. Our team went out and picked him up and rushed him to the vet. He isnt in the greatest shape....covered in fleas, severely dehydrated, has an upper resp infection, needs IV Fluids and antibiotics and has a really high fever. Poor Mr Cat is fixed so he does belong to someone, we are searching for his owners and hoping someone will come forward for him. |
These poor sweet souls were found under someones deck in their yard and all of them have terrible eye infections. They have all been treated and are on their way to a happier and healthier life!
Little sneakers was born with no tail and is having some issues going to the bathroom on her own. Her foster mama rushed her to the vet today and we are hoping that she will get better soon . Please have her in your thoughts!
Yeaaaaah Didi Diane Marie KIrouac and Ed got em!!!! Mama and four beautiful babies. Amazing work guys thank your for going out this morning on an emergency basis xoxox |
So happy for this beautiful family ! Mama and he three little ones out of the rain and safe! Thank you Didi Diane Marie KIrouac and Ed for spending the time to trap them and to Marie Fuentes for Fostering!
Beautiful Tess gave birth to five little monkeys today and was rescued from the outdoors. She is only 7 months old and is a baby herself. We are so happy for her and her monkeys
This poor poor boy has been trapped tonight and is in really rough shape. I can't even imagine how much pain he is in poor sweet soul. He is currently at our emergency vet. Thank you Margaret Reilly for trapping him

Beautiful Scratch was found on the streets nearly dead. He was in so much pain and just waited to be saved...and that is exactly what we did! When he came to us he was FILTHY, smelt like smoke/oil, had two broken legs and when we did the ultrasound we found out he has an enlarged liver. He was vomiting sticks and plastic...poor thing must of been starving and was eating anything he could find to fill his belly. We raised over $1,000 for him and we cannot thank you all enough for having such HUGE hearts. He is doing better today, has two casts on his little legs and is fighting for his life. You can truly see the transformation and the happiness in his heart truly radiates in his eyes. He is one lucky kitty and this is the reason why we will always keep helping them. We couldnt do this without you so all give yourself a big high five for helping us make this world a better place for these kitties. Lets keep sending good vibes his way so he can be healthy enough to go into a foster home where he belongs. We love you sweet boy, thank you for trusting in us and for letting us help you
Beautiful Scratch was found on the streets nearly dead. He was in so much pain and just waited to be saved...and that is exactly what we did! When he came to us he was FILTHY, smelt like smoke/oil, had two broken legs and when we did the ultrasound we found out he has an enlarged liver. He was vomiting sticks and plastic...poor thing must of been starving and was eating anything he could find to fill his belly. We raised over $1,000 for him and we cannot thank you all enough for having such HUGE hearts. He is doing better today, has two casts on his little legs and is fighting for his life. You can truly see the transformation and the happiness in his heart truly radiates in his eyes. He is one lucky kitty and this is the reason why we will always keep helping them. We couldnt do this without you so all give yourself a big high five for helping us make this world a better place for these kitties. Lets keep sending good vibes his way so he can be healthy enough to go into a foster home where he belongs. We love you sweet boy, thank you for trusting in us and for letting us help you
My eyes are filling up with tears typing this. This is why the team and I will never stop rescuing kitties. It's the ones that need us most that break our hearts but fill them with joy too. Meet scratch! This poor sweet soul was found all alone today in Caledon by one of our supporters. She noticed he was limping and was filthy and in distress. When she contacted me I phoned Didi Diane Marie KIrouac and asked if she could go and trap. Didi dropped everything she was doing and hopped in the car with her hubby to go and catch him. My heart could explode as scratch ran right up to them and jumped in Eds arms. He knew they were there to help and he immediately started purring as didi wrapped him in a towel and held him close. They didn't even need to trap him, scratch was excited to start a new journey and showed his appreciation the second they came. Scratch has either been in a fire or was in a car engine we are thinking. He smells of smoke and oil, has burns and cute all over him. He has an injured leg and paws, has lost all of his whiskers and is all banged up. I can't even begin to express how much hurt I feel In my heart when emergencies like this come our way. My mind starts racing...what did he go through? How did this happen? What is his story? But the one thing that makes me so happy is that the universe connected scratch with us. He made his way to us and now his life will change forever. He won't be in pain soon, he won't be afraid, he won't be alone or starving anymore.

Let's all pray for little Sega. He was born yesterday and the foster mama noticed little Bubbles coming out of His nose after nursing. Sandy Silva and Derek Clark rushed him to the vet tonight and it Turns out he has Cleft palate. He is so Fragile and tiny but we need your prayers! The vet didn't have a Tube small enough to Feed him So We Were faced with a huge emergency!!!!! Who the heck will take Care of him at midnight???? Well yet again... People with beautiful hearts step up. Karen Boerner has experience with these situations and has offered to Help. A huge thanks to. Sandy and Derek For Driving him all the way to Guelph right now and for spending the night in emergency with him love You both. Thank you Karen for taking him and giving him a second. Chance This Team blows my Mind.

We found out about Beans yesterday evening when a supporter posted him on our page. He was attacked by an animal and he didn't have the strength to Fight them off because of the state he is in. He is Felv AND FIV positive, is severely pale, dehydrated, anemic and weak. He had blood all over him When he came to us and has bad wounds and scars all over him
Meet Hamilton! Hamilton is 3.5 years old and ended up at a shelter in Hamilton. The vet soon discovered that his mouth was a complete disaster and he needed a full dental done. The shelter was not able to find this and Hamilton was facing possible euthanasia. Luckily someone found out about him and reached out for help on social media. When we heard about him needing help, we knew that Hamilton should be ours. He will now get the dental he needs and a big thanks to Paws Up Rescue for donating $300 towards his vet bill. Thank you Nicole Cas for wanting what's best for him and for reaching out for help. All of us coming together saved his life! Awesome job
Trooper was rescued from the outdoors and was trapped by our wonderful trapping team. When we noticed he was injured, the team went out ASAP and caught him within an hour. We rushed him to emergency where he needed to have an almost $2,000 surgery. His wound was bad, large and infected and the vet thinks he may have gotten attacked by an animal. Within an Hour the team raised enough money to cover his surgery and we are so thankful! He would of died very shorty after we saved him the vet said as he was in so much pain and could of gone septic. We are so happy he is safe and the surgery went well! What an amazing team we have, thank you for all of your donations!

I could cry!!!! Another one of my colony cat's saved from the cold and terrible streets. The street is no place for a kitty. They should all be safe, warm and loved (unless they don't want it and will rip off your face ahhaha) Meet Bloom ( my boyfriend named him, just love it lol) this boy showed up randomly to eat two days ago. He showed up right when our trapper Didi Diane Marie KIrouac was picking something up from my house... What are the odds! I have never seen him before but judging by the colours in this colony, he is apart of it for sure. Bloom had showed up yesterday night too when I came home and was searching for food on my driveway. He waited patiently for me to set it down for him and I stood in the cold and watched him fill his belly. His eyes were so gentle, and our souls connected for sure. He is a good calm boy, I just knew it! He is now safe and will be vetted tomorrow. I am assuming he has FIV like all the rest of the kitties from my colony but we are hoping he is clear. Thank you Didi and Ed for spending countless hours trapping these beautiful babes for us. You two truly are life savers xoxoxo

This is Tundra, a boy who has possibly lived on the streets his entire life based on the vets opinion. He is 14 years old and was dropped off at our rescue vet as the lady caring for him was concerned for his well being. Tundra is in rough shape:( he has fractured teeth and severe periodontal disease. He has a distended belly, a possible tumor or blockage, a belly full of worms, he is severely matted from head to toe and is in so much pain, he is contipated, lethargic and is bleeding badly from his nose. Tundra says it all in this photo...a kitty that is ready to give up on life. His head should be held high, but instead he is depressed and doesn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. This photo truly breaks our hearts and is a reminder of why what we do is so important. We will take care of Tundra and give him what he needs to feel better and we can't wait to see his head held high and in good spirits.
This beautiful senior girl is 14 years old and her owner is in rehab. She isn't interested in seeing Gemma or caring for her when she comes back and she claims to want to euthanize her:( although We are happy she is getting help that she needs... our hearts break for sweet gemma. We were so touched by this story and when we saw Gemma's photos we couldn't turn our heads. She is a beautiful girl that has renal failure but we will make he as comfortable as we can and give her a great life and a place to say for the rest of her days. Welcome Gemma!

Meet Leonard AKA "Sparky". This boy is 9 years old and has been through so much. He has come all the way from St Thomas to be with us, and we are happy to have him. When we brought him in for a vet visit he turned out to be microchipped! We were so thrilled that he may reunite with his owner after all this time, but that wasnt the case. We tried contacting the owner that was assigned to his chip, but the # was out of service. Luckily our vets did some digging and were able to connect with them. The owner came into some hard times and had to give him up SIX YEARS AGO...Lets listen to what Lenoard has to say:
"Hi, I'm Leonard and here is my story.....I was living a great life and thought I was with a family that would keep me forever. One day my owner was having a difficult time and decided to put me in a carrier and go for a drive. I thought she wanted to just be close to me, but that wasnt the case. We were on our way to a scary barn, and my life changed forever :( I was so scared and confused and tried to find my way back home, but I was too far, wandered and got lost. My journey outdoors was really tough, I wouldnt even call it a journey it was more like a nightmare. I had to fight to survive everyday and searching for food was hard. I contracted Leukemia while fighting with other kitties and lost one of my eyes in battle. Luckily the vets don't think i need surgery at this time but am on eye drops to make it feel better. I was on the streets alone and afraid for SIX years. I am only 9 though and still have a lot of fight in me. I am sweet and gentle and just need a place to feel love and warmth again. Will you be that special someone that will open up their heart and home to me? My owner doesnt want me anymore and I am done fighting.I am lucky to have found my way into this rescue, I heard on the cat streets that there is no other place a kitty should be but with a rescue that will help and care"
"Hi, I'm Leonard and here is my story.....I was living a great life and thought I was with a family that would keep me forever. One day my owner was having a difficult time and decided to put me in a carrier and go for a drive. I thought she wanted to just be close to me, but that wasnt the case. We were on our way to a scary barn, and my life changed forever :( I was so scared and confused and tried to find my way back home, but I was too far, wandered and got lost. My journey outdoors was really tough, I wouldnt even call it a journey it was more like a nightmare. I had to fight to survive everyday and searching for food was hard. I contracted Leukemia while fighting with other kitties and lost one of my eyes in battle. Luckily the vets don't think i need surgery at this time but am on eye drops to make it feel better. I was on the streets alone and afraid for SIX years. I am only 9 though and still have a lot of fight in me. I am sweet and gentle and just need a place to feel love and warmth again. Will you be that special someone that will open up their heart and home to me? My owner doesnt want me anymore and I am done fighting.I am lucky to have found my way into this rescue, I heard on the cat streets that there is no other place a kitty should be but with a rescue that will help and care"
This little monkey was one of the kitties I was feeding on my driveway! She has come such a long way and is almost ready for adoption! I remember how scared he was when I first approached him, but his foster mama Tammy Silva-Kendall has done a wonderful job socializing her! Thank you to Didi Diane Marie KIrouac Ed-Slim Eddy Kirouac for trapping her! What a great team!

Mama and babies saved off the streets in Hamilton today! Thank goodness they are safe. They are looking for a foster home and will be off to the vet in the morning
Mr Finny has been coming to Michelle Hamood Podnar home for almost 4 years. She has fed him daily and has built a relationship with him. Over the weekend Michelle noticed a large pile of blood beside his food dish and was worried sick. The next morning he showed up gashes all over his face and an injured leg/paw, He couldnt walk on it and we so terrified that a predator would get the best of him. Thankfully we were meant to save him so he showed up again tonight and went inside the trap. He was ready to get off those terrible streets and out of the cold. We are so happy to save kitties just like Mr Finny..the banged up ones, the ones that live such rough lives trying to survive outdoors, the ones that dont know what love is or what a kiss feels like, the ones that were abandoned or born on the streets. These kitties deserve the best just like our surrendered kitties but they are the ones that need the most care, the ones that will cost a lot to bring back to good health. Mr Finny is now safe and will soon realize we are here to help
What an amazing team!!!! Adam Wood contacted us about another preggo mama at his workplace last night. Didi Diane Marie KIrouac and Ed-Slim Eddy Kirouac went out today to set a trap and caught her!!!!! This is from the same place Adam and his mama and siblings came from. Thank you Tammy Silva-Kendall for fostering her and Jen Desjardins for taking one of Tammy's foster so she could acclaimed. Amazing team work |
IAM IN TEARS!!!!!!!!!Our foster kitty Annabelle escaped from her foster home in Hamilton and has been outdoors for over 3 weeks!!!!! Carol Buckton and Kandace Salverda went out numerous times to try and trap with no luck.....BUT TODAY WAS THE DAY!!!!!!!! I am so grateful to have such an INCREDIBLE team that never gives up. Honestly...these ladies have hearts of gold. What an honor to work with such a lovely group of people.AMAZING AMAZING WORK LADIES. Thank you so much for never giving up and being patient with her. sooooooooooo happpy she is safe now. |

My heart and love for animals comes from my parents that's for sure. This sweet boy showed up at my parents house in the spring and I convinced him to start feeding. He got some new raccoon and possum friends too lol but chucky showed up everyday..even before my dad fed him. Chucky knew that my parents place was where he needed to go and it will be the beginning of his journey to a great life. At first chucky would stay far far away and then with some patience and love my dad was able to touch his head...and then his belly. Today when my dad phoned me at 7am I thought it was an emergency but instead he said "I caught chucky" the happiness in his voice made me cry and when he thought the phone had hung up I heard him talk to chucky on his way to the vet. It was so sweet..."Chucky I'm going to miss you...I know your a good boy. I told you I wouldn't give up on you and would help you"Mike Smith thank you for raising me to love animals and to always be kind to them. Listening to you talk to Chuckie melted my heart xoxo thank you for feeding him and caring for him.
I have been feeding this girl for 2 years and have been socializing her since day one. I didn't want to trap her until she somewhat trusted me and today was the day!!!!! Didi Diane Marie KIrouac and her hubby Ed worked their magic today and trapped her. She is now safe at the vet and I am so happy!!!!! She is one of Pete's girlfriends. Great job guys:) can't wait to meet her again. Thank you to the cat hospital for making accommodations to take my baby in xoxoxo

Will rescuing kitties ever get easier? Who am I kidding...if anything it gets harder each day. We struggle as we need to turn some away that need us, we struggle to keep up some days, we struggle to make accommodations for emergencies and find fosters,'s all a struggle and the only two things that give us hope is this team and seeing the joy in an animals eyes and heart when they are rescued. The worst part about rescue is making the decision with our vet clinics to euthanize an animal and seeing an animal in distress or one that is Injured. These are two things that the team is faced with often and the pain and hurt we feel in our hearts gets buried very deep as we have a rescue to run and more lives that depend on us. The truth is...the pain will last in our hearts forever. Even though some of these kitties don't live with us they are like our own. Last night at midnight I was tagged on a post by a fellow rescuer. When I saw the video of this cat in distress who was open mouth breathing I knew we had to help. One of our board members Carol Buckton offered to go pick him up from Hamilton and meet Ashley White half way so she could bring to our emergency vet. They both got out of bed and off they went to save this sweet boy. When Ashley got to the vet they quickly put him on oxygen as he was struggling to breath on his own. I received a call from the vet at 2:00am as they needed to explain what they thought was happening. As I tried to sleep since I was worried sick and bawling...I recieved another call at 4am. An x-ray was done and this is literally the worst case scenario for him. It showed that Peyton had a hernia on his diaphragm which caused all of his organs to intertwine and move to the same area. The vet thinks someone could of kicked him hard, he may of got hit by a car or may have fallen down from a very high place onto the ground and he hit his chest. How? Why? The vet said that if we performed surgery to try and fix this he wouldnt survive as the damage was so bad. I was so excited to get up in the am and go meet this sweet fellow and give him all the love he deserved..but instead I will have to pick up his little body and transport him. Our hearts are words to explain how sad this is and on top of it we are left with a bill of $700 or more. Please please find it in your hearts to help us pay for this. Any amount will help...we did all that we could and unfortunately for Peyton we couldn't save him :(
We love you sweet boy, we tried to keep you here but you were meant to go to kitty heaven. We wanted to give you a great life where you felt loved and settled into foster care...we really did. We are so sorry there was nothing we could do and we hope you felt a sense of hope with us. The vet gave you a kiss from all of us before you left this world and just know you will be in our hearts forever. Rest peacefully sweet Peyton. Thank you Carol and Ashley for going out to save him. You both gave him a second chance at life xo and to everyone else involved. We are happy that he didn't die alone outside. He would of been in more pain and would of been terrified
We love you sweet boy, we tried to keep you here but you were meant to go to kitty heaven. We wanted to give you a great life where you felt loved and settled into foster care...we really did. We are so sorry there was nothing we could do and we hope you felt a sense of hope with us. The vet gave you a kiss from all of us before you left this world and just know you will be in our hearts forever. Rest peacefully sweet Peyton. Thank you Carol and Ashley for going out to save him. You both gave him a second chance at life xo and to everyone else involved. We are happy that he didn't die alone outside. He would of been in more pain and would of been terrified

I just had the most heartbreaking experience ever. I was getting ready for my day and just about to leave my house when I received a message at 8 am about a little kitten that was found all alone, dirty and cold. I quickly made arrangements with our vet to take him there once I picked up so off I went. When I arrived I waited patiently for the lovely man that found him to come out. He was working and took the time out of his busy day to reach out to us and put the kitty in a box with whatever he could find to keep him warm. When he initially sent me the pic of kitty in box I thought he was dead but he said he was moving a little. He opened the door and introduced himself and started talking. I picked up the little guy and he was ice cold and mostly stiff. I cut him off and said "I have to go" and I went into my FULL blasted heat car and placed him in a super warm blanket and had him on my lap. I was so scared and worried about this little.guy my motherly cat instincts came through and everything around me disappeared. I was talking to him and rubbing is little cold wet Body. I put my hands on the heater and on him and he let out a little meow and started to squirm. Honestly it is times like these where I am reminded of why we do what we do is so important. Everyday life with rescue gets so busy sometimes we lose sight of why we do this and out ourselves through so much stress...well this is why! To save lives. I named him Adam after the man that found him. Thank you Adam for taking the time to do this and help. You saved his life and gave him.a chance
There are no words to describe the pain our hearts are in. I wanted to check up on Grandpa after work today to see how he was doing and give him snuggles so Dany Lopera met me at our emergency vet. We spent an hour with him.. petting him, kissing him, telling him that he was going to be okay. After speaking with the vet we still wanted to do further testing and wished that there was a sign to steer us in the right direction. Euthanasia is never our go to because we are always hopeful as many miracles have happened with some sick kitties in the past. He was falling over in his cage, couldn't stand up and almost strangled himself with his IV as he had no control of his body. It was heartbreaking. Shortly after Dany picked him up and held him in her arms tightly. I noticed Grandpa was doing something odd with his face and he peed all over Danys leg. I quickly called the vet to come in and he was seizuring. As terrible as that experience was, I felt in my heart it was a sign. He was telling us that it was his time and seeing him suffering the way he did literally tore our hearts into pcs. We decided that sending him over the rainbow bridge was best for him and we just wanted to.thank everyone for their support and help covering the cost of his emergency vet bill. Grandpa would of been hit by a car yesterday while he layed down in the middle of the road in oncoming traffic. For some reason Dany took a different route home and I truly believe he was waiting for her. People and cars passed him with no care in the world and the second Dany came out of the car he tried to walk up to her. Dany you have a beautiful Heart and although this was tough and very upsetting i am grateful we shared it together. He is no longer suffering and got so much love from both of us before he left this world. He was sent to you and all paws so he could leave peacefully...and he did.
We love you Grandpa, you are a beautiful boy and were so sorry you had deal with all.this pain. |

11 beautiful kitties rescued off a farm in Acton. They were starving when we brought them into the rescue. The owner of the farm hasn't seen the mamas in a while. We are so scared for them and hope they show up soon.

Little Mia came to us from the outdoors and is in rough shape. This poor little one must be so uncomfortable and starving as she was found all alone. She has fleas, ear mites, a severe parasite a terrible upper resp infection and is having difficulty breathing as she is so congested. She is only i weeks old and has her whole life ahead of her. She will be starting treatment today so she can start feeling better

Meet Frankie! This handsome 7 year old boy came all the way from Dubai. He was rescued by a teacher down there from euthanasia and was brought down to Toronto. We are so happy to welcome him into the rescue. He is amazing with children and loves to be pet. He is a special boy and when the rescue that brought him down reached out to us this morning, our heart strings were pulled and we couldn't say no. He deserves a new life, someone that loves him unconditionally and a safe place to sleep at night. Welcome Frankie!

We recieved a call from our keele and Lawrenece pet valu that someone had dropped off these two beautiful babies at their door when they opened the store. As soon as we got the call, we immediately went to get these poor babies. By that time they had been in the carrier for over 3 hours and were so stressed and terrified that one of the cats urinated in their carrier and his paws were cut up from trying to get out. Thankfully, both these beauties were seen by our wonderful vet at Derry Rd Animal hospital and are doing much better now that they are safe and being taken care of!
A big thank you to Laurie Cowan for stepping up in an emergency situation this evening and helping us out. We received a call this evening about a bunch of kitties that were in a garage in Brampton that needed to be out within 48hrs as per animal control. The home owner quickly reached out to us for help so we arranged transportation and fosters for them. Laurie went and picked all of them up and spent hours at the vet getting them all checked out as they all have terrible uri / eye infections. Thank you so much to the cat hospital for fitting these babies in today and to Tammy Hicks-Trudel and Laurie for fostering. Great work guys!!!! 2 beautiful mamas and 8 kitties saved!

This beauty was dropped off at our rescue vet today as her owners could not care for her anymore. Even though we are full at this time, we couldn't say no and see her get dropped off at a shelter. Welcome Remier!
This morning we received a call about 5 kitties that were born in a mud ditch on a farm in Bradford. The mama gave birth this morning and left them and thankfully the home owners reached out to us for help. Two of the little ones were dead and we aren't sure what happened. We quickly found a bottle feeder and transportation and brought these kitties to safety. I wanted to send a BIG Thank you to Sandra Vibert for driving almost 4 hours today to get them and for bringing them to their foster mama. Its because of you these babies are still alive. Another BIG thank you to Sarah Nemi for opening up your heart and home to them and staying home all day to feed them. This team is simply incredible. The love and compassion you all show for these kitties is unreal and we are so grateful to have you all. These little monkeys have full bellies now and are warm.
![]() Unfortunately one little monkey passed away the day after we got them, but the other two are doing great and growing fast. Rest in peace sweet peanut
This beautiful family just recently came into the rescue and were surrendered to the rescue by their owners. They had taken in this feral mama a few months ago, and turned out she was pregnant. They were not prepared for this, so reached out to us for help! They are settling in nicely in foster care. |
This beautiful puff ball has been living in someones yard for quite some time and was being very well taken care of. She gave birth to her kitties inside one of the shelters and the team went out to get them. They are going into foster care and we are so excited to find them all homes! |
We had a scare with these little ones but our team pulled together and helped! They are all doing well and we cannot wait to watch them grow. |
Meet Citrine! This beauty was rescued from the outdoors and is in rough shape. She has a terrible URI, Fever, eye infection and also needs to have dental surgery. She is only 18 months old and this girl is lucky to be saved
This poor boy kit kat came to us in an emergency situation and his poor mouth was in rough shape. Thankfully a temporary foster stepped up to help and he is settling nicely. Kit Kat will need to have dental surgery as his teeth are hanging out of his mouth, we are not sure what happened to him but are super thankful he fell into our hands.
Well these precious little monkeys would have been drowned by a terrible human being, if it weren't for ALL PAWS and the wonderful lady that saved them. She took them into her care and offered the man money so that she can get them to safety. She reached out to us for help and I quickly found a foster! THANK YOU Marcia D. Kavelman Anderson for taking them in on an emergency basis....this team is simply amazing!!!! LOOK HOW HAPPY THEY ARE :) |
SIX orphaned kitties saved in one day! What an amazing team of fosters we have. They are all doing well and settling in nicely in their foster home.
These sweet babies were rescued from the outdoors at someones workplace. They are going to need to be bottle fed and we have a foster all set up for them! A big thanks to Tara Browne for going out at 5:30am to get these little monkeys! xoxo
This little guy was found outdoors all alone and starving :( He is in rough shape and has a terrible eye infection. He may need to see a specialist and we are hoping we can save his little eye. His name is Asher and he is is settling in nicely into foster care. He is happy to be saved that is for sure and we are so thankful h fell into our hands.
UPDATE! This beauty is doing great but will need eye surgery to remove his bad eye. We will raise the funds to help him through this and get him back to great health! |
This adorable little guy was rescued from a park in Brampton and is now safe in foster care with us. We are searching the area to see if there are any more kitties, so we can bring them to safety as well. We cant wait to name him, learn more about his personality and get him to the vet!
UPDATE! Little Comet is doing great and is now ready for adoption :) |
This sweet little baby was found outdoors with no mama and still had his umbilical cord attached. He came all the way from Hamilton and is now safe in foster care. He is gobbling up is KMR with a syringe and his foster mama is keeping him nice and warm. UPDATE! Little Leeroy is a fighter and is doing great in his foster home. He has been taking the bottle well and is gaining weight everyday! He will be up for adoption soon and we are so happy we had the opportunity to save his life |
This poor sweetie was surrendered to the rescue by her owner and they couldnt afford to cover the cost of the eye surgery she needed. Thankfully she reached out to us for help and kitty will be seeing a surgeon and getting the medical attention she needs.
UPDATE! Vera has had her surgery and was adopted! She has made great friends with the kitty in her new home, and she is doing great! |
When a kind lady reached out to me for help these little ones, the rescue was full but I couldn't turn my back on them. I immediately brought them into foster care and they were STARVING! The first picture breaks my heart, as you can see the desperation in their faces. I could hear their little squeaky meows "Help Michelle, please help" so that is exactly what i did. They are severely malnourished and tiny for their age, but we are filling up their little bellies and they are doing well.
These sweet babies lost their mama and luckily were found by a lovely lady who reached out to us to help! Our volunteer picked them up and a foster has been found. We are so happy to save them as they are only a couple days old and would have died if not found.

These poor souls were taped inside of a box and left outside a home depot warehouse. Luckily one of our vet techs husbands found them and we were happy to take them in and give them the medical attention they needed. They are extremely dehydrated, have fleas and may possibly have Panleuk :( Fingers crossed for these little ones
This little family was found in a construction site in Brampton and thankfully we were able to trap mama with the kitties. They are in foster care now and are safe! A big thanks to my amazing team for going out to save them :)
These stunning little monkeys were rescued from the outdoors and now safe in foster care! They will be ready for adoption soon and they all have such great personalities.
This little puff ball was dropped off at a pet store in Brampton and the owner of the store reached out to us for help. We arranged transportation and a foster immediately and got some KMR in his belly. He is doing great and we cant wait to watch him grow.
This stunning family was rescued from the outdoors and are doing great in their foster home! The family that found them is adopting all of the kitties! We are so happy for them and cant wait to find mama a loving home too :)
This little 8 week old kitty is named Bella and came to us in an emergency situation. She has a rare congenital defect called PPDH and will die if the surgery is not done. We are needing $7,000 for this and are in desperate need of help. We are hoping and praying she will be okay.
UPDATE: We went ahead and did the surgery, however little Belle did not make it through as she went into Cardiac Arrest :( Rest in Peace sweet girl, we did our best to try and save you. |
This beautiful family was rescued from the outdoors, but unfortunately one kitten didnt come back when we trapped :( Our hearts were broken and we hope that kitty is okay. Turns out the mama is pregnant again and is very young still. They are safe in foster care and we pray that the other kitty shows up.
This poor guy was rescued from the outdoors and was brought straight to the vet, he is not doing well and is FIV +, Diabetic and has Leukemia. He is so malnourished and we are hoping and praying her will pull through. If anything happens and we need to say goodbye, at least he knew what love is. The last picture makes me cry, you can tell he appreciates being saved.
Another pregnant mama saved off the streets!! This sweet lady is named Marie and she is expecting 2-3 babies in 3 weeks time. We are so grateful that the people that found her reached out to us for help, as we would never want her giving birth outdoors. She is now safe and is settling in nicely in her new home! Cant wait to meet her little ones :)
We drove all the way to Toronto to at midnight to pick up these little ones. There is 4 of them and their mama was killed. We are so thankful that they fell into our arms as they were infested with maggots in their ears and bum :( Our foster mama is doing everything she can to care for them and is bottle feeding them every 2 hours. |
These sweet little babies lost their mama and are only 5 weeks old. We received the call and one of our wonderful foster mamas went to save them! They are no safe in foster care and will be up for adoption when they are older! They are so cute, and we cannot wait to get to them and see their little personalities come out
This sweet mama and her little ones were rescued from the outdoors. One of our amazing volunteers drove 3 hours to save them! and we cannot thank her enough for doing that. They are settling in their foster home and will be up for adoption soon! We are so excited to watch them grow and we are happy to save them. |
These two monkeys almost died and thankfully the team of fosters stepped up and brought them both back to life. They were going to be euthanized as their situation was critical, but how could i give up? I knew in my heart that we had to at least try, and if there was no hope after that then we can let them go. Thankfully I trusted my instincts! They are doing great and should be out of the woods
Lion was rescued from the outdoors and was brought into foster care. He has a bad eye infection and also needs urgent dental surgery. His face is swollen from the tooth abscess, poor guy! He is now safe and will be getting all of the medical attention he needs.
Hurbert was rescued from the outdoors and was brought to the vet. They had a hard time with him and advised us to release him back to where he was found because the chances of him being socialized were slim. He was scheduled to be released, but when we opened the carrier door, he was shaking and gave us a look we will never forget. "Give me a chance, I will be a good boy" My heart couldn't do it, so i took him into my home and within a few days he stole my heart.
even gives kisses! |
Beautiful Miso and her babies were rescued from the outdoors. She gave birth to her little ones in a winter shelter and they were brought to my home this morning. I brought the shelter in the bathroom to ensure she couldnt escape and brought the carrier in as well to transfer her and her babies. As soon as I opened the shelter mama jumped out, almost got my face lol and climbed my window. She was hanging from the window ledge peeing all over my basket of toilet paper and all over my shoes :( Poor baby was so scared! She came down when she was done peeing all over the place and hid behind the toilet. I gently spoke to her in a soft voice and assured her that I will do everything in my power to take good care of her and her babies. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and I knew that even though she was terrified she wouldnt hurt me. i pushed the carrier beside the toilet and she had no interest going in even though she saw her babies and could hear their little meows. I gently coaxed her in the carrier with a broom and luckily my plan worked!
These little sweethearts were found outdoors and their mama was hit by a car :( Our hearts are broken for them, but luckily they fell in the hands of ALL PAWS. We urgently found a bottle feeder to take them on, and they are doing great. Rest in Peace to their sweet mama and we are honored to take care of her little babies for her.
This feral mama gave birth in an outdoor cat shelter and was brought into the rescue. What an amazing team we have! At 11pm at night transportation from Toronto to Acton was found and so was a foster. We had a scare and thought that we may need to bottle feed these little monkeys as they were having a hard time latching onto mama, but luckily mama did her mama duties and got them on board with nursing!
Received a call this am about a kitty that was dropped off at vet. She was going to be spayed and the vets found out she was pregnant. She also may need eye surgery and will require eye drops daily:( we pulled it together and found a foster, arranged transportation and she will be dropped of tomorrow evening!
We named her patsy:) |
ALL PAWS was tagged in a post on Facebook about a preggo mama named taco that is about to give birth any day now! She was wandering the streets of Hamilton and found herself at someones door step each day waiting for food. The team pulled together and a foster was found, arrangements made for transport were made and kitty was trapped! Amazing team work ! Taco is off to her foster home and will be taken to the vet to ensure she is healthy.
We received a call about these baby kitties that were born on someones property. They have been trapped and settling in nicely in their foster home. We still have to trap the mama and 1 more kitten and hopefully we can get this beautiful family reunited with one another.
This poor boy was rescued from the outdoors in North York and we are so happy to have him in our care. Thinking of him being alone, injured and starving on the streets makes me so sad. My heart wants to help these ones the most, even though taking kitties like Rupert doesn't help my bank account, and he will most likely be with us for the rest of his days if he is FIV+ and has some serious health concerns, but that is okay. He is such a sweet and gentle guy, and deserves happiness. ALL PAWS will give him just that. Thank you to Sandi and Sue for trapping Rupert and for giving him a second chance.
Romeo is one of the beauties that was thrown out of his home in North York along with 14 other cats. He is quite the sick boy. Upper resp infection, infection in his paws, a scratched cornea, an abscess on his throat, FIV + and needs extensive dental work done on his mouth. He is a grumpy boy, no wonder...he must of been in so much pain. We are doing everything we can to ease his pain. lets hope he will pull through and start feeling better soon!
This poor guy was rescued from the outdoors and is quite feral. We are so happy that we were able to trap him and bring him into a safe, warm loving foster home. He has a terrible eye infection, ringworm and has chipped teeth and a mouth infection. These are the ones we want to save, the injured ones! He has been given all of the medical treaement he needs and is currently boarding at the vet to monitor.
Now this is what I call team work!
Yesterday I was tagged on a post by an all paws supporter to help with an urgent situation. 12 to 15 cats were dumped on the streets of North York and in less then 24 hours together we made it happen!!!!!!
* arranged a trapper. A big special thanks to Sandi Nowell for cancelling your plans today. and rearranging your entire schedule to trap these babies * arranged volunteers to pick up 12 carriers from my place and being to trapping site. Thank you to Savda Ghorany Varano and Carol Buckton for doing this * arranged placement for cats with Courtney at kawthra lakes shelter to take in these babies thank you Nicole for taking care of this and connecting with Courtney to make arrangements * arranged transportation from trapping site to kawthra lakes. A special thanks to Nicole Burley for doing this xoxo xoxo * a big special thanks to Cheryl Yates for trusting in all paws to arrange and help with this challenging process * thank you to Sue Namedof for assisting Sandy with the trapping as well to help. Amazing amazing amazing team effort on all of your parts to save the lives of these poor innocent babies that were kicked out of their home. I've cleaned all carriers and placed a nice warm blanket in all of them, so kitties are comfortable while being transported!
Yesterday I was tagged on a post by an all paws supporter to help with an urgent situation. 12 to 15 cats were dumped on the streets of North York and in less then 24 hours together we made it happen!!!!!!
* arranged a trapper. A big special thanks to Sandi Nowell for cancelling your plans today. and rearranging your entire schedule to trap these babies * arranged volunteers to pick up 12 carriers from my place and being to trapping site. Thank you to Savda Ghorany Varano and Carol Buckton for doing this * arranged placement for cats with Courtney at kawthra lakes shelter to take in these babies thank you Nicole for taking care of this and connecting with Courtney to make arrangements * arranged transportation from trapping site to kawthra lakes. A special thanks to Nicole Burley for doing this xoxo xoxo * a big special thanks to Cheryl Yates for trusting in all paws to arrange and help with this challenging process * thank you to Sue Namedof for assisting Sandy with the trapping as well to help. Amazing amazing amazing team effort on all of your parts to save the lives of these poor innocent babies that were kicked out of their home. I've cleaned all carriers and placed a nice warm blanket in all of them, so kitties are comfortable while being transported!
The team was at an event in Etobicoke over the weekend and a young lady came in and said that she has a pregnant mama living in her yard. She was worried, because mama was quite large and would give birth anyday. One of our trappers was with us a the event thankfully and she went out and purchased a trap. This mama is a smart girl and didnt go into the trap, but we would never give up! The next day the trapper went back and waited for 4 hours, nothing :( A volunteer drove her all the way back home to Brampton at 11pm and sure enough, mama went into the trap as soon as she arrived at home. The volunteer went and drove all the way to pick her again and picked her up so we could deliver mama safely to her foster home. AMAZING team work! So happy she is safe and warm :)
,MAXWe received an emergency call for this little kitty today that was found with no mama. She is our first bottle feeder for the season and we are accepting into our rescue family with open arms. She seems to have had trauma to the eye and has a severe URI.
She will be off to the vet for an exam and will be going into foster care. MAX HAS BEEN ADOPTED!
She will be off to the vet for an exam and will be going into foster care. MAX HAS BEEN ADOPTED!
Noora is a 15 year old Persian that has been with her owners since a kitten. They decided to surrender her and thankfully they reached out to us for help. She is settling in nicely in her foster home and will be off for a vet visit within the week. She will be up for adoption once the vet gives her a clean bill of health. .
This beautiful mama Cathie was found at someones workplace and turns out she is pregnant and expecting 4-5 little ones VERY soon! We are so happy that she ended up with us, we will take good care of her and her little ones and can provide her with a safe and warm place to deliver her little ones. We hope for a smooth delivery and cannot wait to meet the babies!
More pics to come! |
This gorgeous 12 year old Siamese girl was diagnosed with diabetes and was going to be euthanized by her owners, as they did not want to take on the responsibility of it :( Thankfully, the vet reached out to us and asked if we could help. How could we say no? She is such a beautiful baby that deserves to live and be cared for medically. She is getting cozy in her foster home and she is responding to the insulin well.
This poor guy was found starving in a warehouse and the owner of the company reached out to us for help! We brought him to our vet and placed him into foster care. We are so happy he is now safe, warm and has some food in his belly. Once he is fixed and socialized we will be placing him for adoption! |
This girl is named Missy and she is 15 years old. Poor baby was with her owners since she was 8 weeks old and was just recently surrendered to the rescue. These stories make us so sad since Missy is probably so confused and scared :( But we are so happy to help and take care of her. She is safe, and is off to the vet for a visit soon to ensure she is healthy. |
Poor little Oreo showed up on someones door step and was in so much pain. He had an abscess on his ribs that was infected and was oozing pus. We had to help, and brought him to our emergency vet. Poor guy had a very high fever, and was bitten by another animal. He is very dehydrated as well and will need to be hospitalized for a few days and will be on antibiotics to clear the infection. Hopefully he will start feeling better, and that sad sad face will turn into a happy one soon!
This poor girl Cougie was found 2 hours away from Brampton beside a barn and is in rough shape. Our amazing volunteers drove out to get her and brought her to emergency. Cougie has a terrible URI, Ear mytes, Will need dental surgery to remove the few teeth she has left in her mouth, is FIV + and also has lost both of her eyes (there may be hope for one) Cougie is currently staying at the vet to get all of the care she needs, and we have recieved so much support from the community. Thank you everyone, and please pray that this baby pulls through. She is so sweet and affectionate and has a loud purr, happy to be saved that is for sure!
Cougie is a strong girl, and has made a little step of improvement and has shown some interest in food today! We are so happy, and she is starting to feel a little better.
Noelle & Eve were found on Christmas Eve inside of a carrier hidden in a snow bank. A very kind genetlaman found them and brought them to the nearest pet store. Thankfully the pet store reached out to ALL PAWS for help and we arranged an emergency foster home immediately to pick them up. They scarfed down their food and went straight to their litter pan when they reached their foster parents home. We are so lucky we had the opportunity to save these gorgeous babies just in time for Christmas. They will be off to the vet for a check up after the holidays and are warm and safe now!
What an amazing team! We received a call about a starving mama and her little ones that were living outdoors in the cold in a tiny tiny space filled with garage in Hamilton. Our trapper went out tonight and trapped them all- incredible work! We can all sleep better now knowing they are out of the cold and on their way to a warm snuggly bed. |
Little Skylar is only 6 weeks old and was rushed to our emergency vet as she was very lethargic and dehydrated. She spent the night at the vet clinic and with some love, care and medication she was perked right up in the morning. Turns out her blood sugar was low. It is her foster daddys birthday today, and she was very excited to see him and give him a big birthday kiss! UPDATE: Sweet Skylar was adoped by her foster family and was a surprise birthday gift from her foster mom to her foster dad for his birthday!
These poor babies were found outdoors and the one on the left is so malnourished and sick :( we rushed them to the vet and we are hoping he can be saved. Their wonderful foster mama stayed up all night bottle feeding and making sure his body temperature is rising. Poor little babies, we are happy to have them in our care and hopefully they perk up soon and start feeling better.
UPDATE: The little baby on the Left was too weak and didnt make it over night, poor baby. We are all heart broken. |
These gorgeous babies were only 3 days old when their sweet mama was killed by a car in Georgetown. Thankfully someone reached out to us for help, and we brought them straight into foster care. Their foster mama bottle fed them for so long and now they are big enough to fill their bellies on their own. They have grown so much, are all super sweet and are thankful that we saved them. They will be up for adoption soon, and we cannot wait to see them find their forever homes!
Checkers has been living outside for quite some time and was lucky enough to fall in this gentleman's hands. He reached out to All Paws for help, so the next day we brought him into the rescue and went straight to the vet. His eye is actually fine, even though it doesnt look it! He actually has a rotten tooth and a HUGE abscess that is infected. The infection has spread up to his eye and that is what is causing the leakage. Poor thing. he was tested positive for FIV and had the tooth removed already. He was fixed today as well and is waiting patiently for someone to open up their heart and home to him. So happy he is off the street, and getting the medical care he needs. |
From the time Ben was born 12 weeks ago life has been a struggle. He had to be revived and saved at birth by his foster mama Caroline and his auntie Laurie. At 3 weeks old Ben and his kitty mama were very sick with an upper respiratory infection. Mama kitty was so sick she had to be taken away from her kittens to be treated. Ben and his 6 siblings became bottle feeders and were lovingly taken care of by their foster mama. In the 9 weeks since then Ben has struggled to grow and get well. He has been on a never-ending regimen of antibiotics, eye meds, and diet supplements to help him improve. His foster Mama still has to syringe feed him everyday to keep him from losing weight. At 12 weeks he just reached 600 gms, only half the weight he should be by now. Ben doesn't have a lot of energy or stamina. His favourite place is on his foster Mamas lap taking in all that is going on around him. Ben loves it when his All Paws family comes to visit. Ben recently underwent further testing where an xray showed that he had some abnormalities including a very large heart. His heart is so large that it has pushed some of his anatomy out of its normal position. Ben's heart is not strong. Ben's life expectancy will not be counted in years but in moments, moments of love and play, moments of cuddles and snuggles. Moments of being spoiled. Every moment will count. Ben deserves nothing less. Auntie Michelle and her team will make sure Ben has what he needs for as long as he needs it. If things get real tough for him then they know what to do and will let him go.
These little 2 week old babies were found on a farm and their mother stopped producing milk and caring for them. We have set up a bottle feeder to take them in and they have all been vetted. Thank goodness someone reached out to us for help, all of them would of died without their mamas milk :( poor babies.
Amazing work !!!!! So proud of my team. These babies were rescued from a school park this morning. They are infested with fleas and have upper resp infections. They are approximately 4 weeks old and were starving to death; one of them started chewing on his brothers little foot! They are all bathed, blow dried, and have full bellies. A foster has been found and they will be on their way! Thank you Caroline John for picking them up and for bringing them to the vet.
Avatar kitty needs to see an emergency specialist on Tuesday October 04th and will need to have a cat scan done on his skull. We were quoted 1,000 just to have the CT done but we will not give up on this little fighter. The vet said that he has a loonie size whole in his skull where the fluid was drained from and they have never seen anything like this before. We are hoping that it isn't serious, and can be fixed. Please have our little Avatar kitty in your hearts and thoughts.
This poor guy was rescued from the outdoors and was quite aggressive when he arrived at the vet clinic due to the amount of pain he was in. He is in rough shape, open wounds and sores all over his body, a mangled up paw, is FIV +, has an eye infection and needed to hospitalized on IV fluids. He wasnt eating, and didn't want to move because of the pain he was in. The vet suggested euthanasia as a possibility due to the condition he was in, and the amount of money it will cost to treat this boy but I couldn't give up on him. No amount of money will ever steer me away from helping an animal in need, and together as a team we figure it out! The vet tech phoned me and said that it was like he was a completely different cat today! He perked right up when she came into the room, was eating and even gave her head butts through the cage. My heart instantly filled with joy, and my eyes with tears. The antibiotics and pain meds are kicking in, and he is one grateful boy. He is so happy to be off the streets, receiving love, medical attention and food.
One of our colony kittens has been trapped!!!!!! On his way to foster care and then off to the vet he goes :) Thanks Kimberley Bailey for driving this little guy to his foster home in Milton and for picking up supplies for him. Sophie Dorrington thank you for opening up your heart and home to him! His siblings are next on trapping list :) So glad we caught this little monkey, he does not look well and we are excited to give him the medical attention and love he needs! Great work team! MUFFIN HAS BEEN ADOPTED!
We received a call about this injured beautiful baby, and we immediately arranged a trapper and foster home for kitty. We brought her straight to the vet, and she is now on medication and is getting treated. She may possibly be pregnant so we will be doing an XRAY to find out. So glad we had the opportunity to save this sweet girl.
This little lady turned out to be pregnant and gave birth to beautiful healthy babies. We had no idea she was pregnant and this was quite the surprise! They are all growing so big and we cant wait to watch them grow
This little lady turned out to be pregnant and gave birth to beautiful healthy babies. We had no idea she was pregnant and this was quite the surprise! They are all growing so big and we cant wait to watch them grow
Poor Tyson was living in a mechanic shop and was tied to a pole all day long, and was not treated properly by his previous owner. Tyson deserved better, a life filled with love, playtime and exercise! I am so happy that we took him in and he is doing so great. He is now with an amazing owner, and they are best friends! Would you look at his smile :)
So proud of my team! We received a call about these 5 kitties that were living under someones shed with their mama. This kind gentleman has been caring for this family for a while but he saw that mama was hit by a car and he didnt know who to turn to :( Thankfully he reached out to us for help, and we managed to get the family down here from Toronto, arrange supplies and find a foster home that could bottle feed these little ones in less then an hour. They are only 2 weeks old, poor babies and I feel so terrible that this happened to their poor mama.
Our Foster mama getting some KMR into their bellies :) They are gobbling it right up poor things, they are starving! They will be off to the vet for a check up soon.
Meet Gummy! This boy was rescued from a huge colony, where we rescued 5 pregnant mamas, 5 eight week old kittens and 2 adults so far! We named this boy Gummy as he has a very bad infection and abscess in his mouth. The vet thinks it may possibly be cancerous :( We will need to do a biopsy to find out how serious it is. He is settling in nicely into his foster home, and we will be doing the biopsy soon.
These tiny little babies were found outdoors, and one of them has a wound on his neck and chest that have maggots coming out if it. Poor sweet baby. We brought them into foster care, and they all have been seen by the vet and are getting treated.
We cant wait to watch them grow, and see their true personalities!
We cant wait to watch them grow, and see their true personalities!
This beautiful VERY pregnant mama was abandoned by her owners when they found out she was pregnant and luckily a neighbor reached out to ALL PAWS for help. She is being brought into foster care, where she can safely give birth to her little ones.
Ameilia had 6 beautiful babies and is doing really well :) She has cleaned them all up and they are all nursing well. Can't wait to watch these little monkeys grow!
Ameilia had 6 beautiful babies and is doing really well :) She has cleaned them all up and they are all nursing well. Can't wait to watch these little monkeys grow!
This little girl was found on someones property and needed medical attention as she had a huge scab under her neck that was infected. We picked her up and brought her straight to the vet and the found Bot Fly Larvae underneath her scab :( They were embedded in her neck, poor thing. It has been removed and she is all cleaned up now and settling into her foster home. Poor sweet baby will start to feel better soon! UPDATE!!! Rockette has been adopted!
Amazing work team! These 4 little rascals were rescued from the outdoors and 2 of them have terrible eye infections, they are infested with fleas and are underweight :( Thank you Caroline John for fostering them and picking them up on such short notice. They are off to the vet to get treated and then we can fill up their bellies with some kmr/food. So happy they are safe now.
UPDATE! One of these little grey babies did not make it :( The other 3 have found their forever homes!
UPDATE! One of these little grey babies did not make it :( The other 3 have found their forever homes!